Global migration has a strong impact on societies and is the subject of intensive research. Research into migration at the University of Luxembourg seeks to understand how to foster inclusiveness in what the UN has called the “age of migration”. Driven by the conviction that the causes and effects of migration can only be understood if we look simultaneously at the way commodities, texts and artefacts, media content, etc., move and thereby influence migratory processes, research systematically relates the migration of people to other forms of mobility. People on the move are essentially motivated and affected by the knowledge and experience they gain though these global movements – as are the societies they move into.
Due to the complexity of the phenomenon, migration research at Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences is very diverse and cuts across many research fields including border studies, geography, political sciences, psychology, health, literature, linguistics and history. In previous years, faculty members engaging in migration-related research have conducted numerous national and international projects and have bid successfully for competitive research grants. The Faculty is an institutional member of IMISCOE, the international migration, integration and social cohesion network; it is the National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN), the National Focal Point of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and home of the cross-border research network UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS). Migration-related research is coordinated by the key research area “Migration and Inclusive Societies” (MIS).